Dictionary Utilities¶
Convenience functions for dictionary access and YAML
- exception range_driver.dict_utils.YAMLProcessingError[source]¶
Indicate downstream processing error of loaded YAML structure
- range_driver.dict_utils.deep_update(d1, d2)[source]¶
Recursively updates d1 with d2
- Parameters
d1 (dict) – A dictionary (possibly nested) to be updated.
d2 (dict) – A dictionary (possibly nested) which will be used to update d1.
- Returns
An updated version of d1, where d2 values were used to update the values of d1. Will add d2 keys if not present in d1. If a key does exist in d1, that key’s value will be overwritten by the d2 value. Works recursively to update nested dictionaries.
- Return type
- range_driver.dict_utils.make_Bunch(docstr, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
- Construct a Bunch collection with alternative doc string
All arguments after docstr are passed to the Bunch dict constructor. The main appeal of a bunch d over a dict, is that keys can be accessed via d.key rather than just d[‘key’]
- Example:
B = make_Bunch(“””Container for special custom data”””,a=1) B.b = 3 print(B) help(B)
- range_driver.dict_utils.merge_dicts(d1, d2)[source]¶
Performs a deep_update() of d1 using d2. Recursively updates d1 with d2, while also making a deep copy of d1.
- Parameters
d1 (dict) – A dictionary (possibly nested) to be updated.
d2 (dict) – A dictionary (possibly nested) which will be used to update d1.
- Returns
An updated & deep-copied version of d1, where d2 values were used to update the values of d1. Will add d2 keys if not present in d1. If a key does exist in d1, that key’s value will be overwritten by the d2 value. Works recursively to update nested dictionaries.
- Return type
- range_driver.dict_utils.nested_value(d, keys)[source]¶
Access an element in nested dictioary d with path given by list of keys
- range_driver.dict_utils.select_keys(d, keys)[source]¶
Returns the items in dict d whose keys are listen in keys
- range_driver.dict_utils.set_docstr(cls, docstr, **kwargs)[source]¶
Modify the docstring of a class cls
- range_driver.dict_utils.ydump(data, *args, sort_keys=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Create YAML output string for data object. If data is an OrderedDict, original key ordering is preserved in internal call to yaml.dump().
- Parameters
data (dict or Bunch) –
args – Additional args passed on to yaml.dump()
sort_keys (bool) – defaults to False
kwargs – Further keyword args are passed on to yaml.dump()
- Returns
YAML string representation of data
- Return type
- range_driver.dict_utils.yload(datastr, Loader=<class 'yaml.loader.SafeLoader'>, MapType=<class 'sklearn.utils.Bunch'>, **kwargs)[source]¶
Load object from YAML input string or stream
- Parameters
datastr (str or stream) – A string or stream containing YAML formatted text
Loader (yaml.Loader Object, optional) – The yaml loader object to use, defaults to yaml.SaveLoader
MapType (type, optional) – type of dictionary to construct, defaults to Bunch
kwargs – Further keyword args are passed on to yaml.load()
- Returns
Python object representation of the YAML string/stream
- Return type
Specified in MapType parameter
Geospatial Utilities¶
iPython Utilities¶
MatPlotLib Utilities¶
Pandas Utilities¶
- range_driver.pandas_utils.dataframe_schema(columns, dtypes)[source]¶
Create empty pd.DataFrame with columns of given datatypes
- range_driver.pandas_utils.get_next_index(df, index_val, lock_bound=False, inc=1)[source]¶
Determine the index value that follows index_val
- Parameters
df (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series) – dataframe or series, having df.index.
index_val – index value to start from
lock_bound (bool) – if true return same index if reaching bounds
inc (int) – Increment. default +1, use -1 to get previous index
- Returns
neighbouring index value
- range_driver.pandas_utils.index_columns(df, none_name=None)[source]¶
Return list of column names that form the (multi-)index or None, if index is a single unnamed column.
- range_driver.pandas_utils.split_by_index(df, split_idx)[source]¶
Split DataFrame df at or around the given index value
- Parameters
df (pandas.DataFrame) – DataFrame with a sorted index
split_idx (int) – The index value to split df by.
- Returns
low_df (pandas.DataFrame) - DataFrame containing index values below split_idx
high_df (pandas.DataFrame) - DataFrame containing index values greater than or equal to split_idx.
Other Utilities¶
Generic utility functions
- range_driver.utils.eval_shell(cmdargs)[source]¶
Run command in shell and return string output. Input cmdargs is list of command and individual args.
- range_driver.utils.load_file(filename)[source]¶
Loads and returns the contents of filename.
- Parameters
filename (str) – A string containing the filepath of the file to be loaded/
- Returns
Contents of the loaded file.
- Return type