

range_driver.plotting.maps.plot_bounds(bounds, receiver_locations=[], receiver_info=Empty DataFrame Columns: [] Index: [], node_locations=[])[source]

Construct a map view widget for the given region with further info. The map widget displays inside IPython notebooks.

  • bounds (dict) – Dictionary containing the keys ‘north’, ‘east’, ‘south’, ‘west’. Each value should be a latitude or longitude in degrees.

  • receiver_locations (list) – List of tuples containing the locations (lat, lon) of receivers.

  • receiver_info (pandas.DataFrame) – A dataframe containing receiver information to be displayed on the map.

  • node_locations (set) – Set of tuples containing the locations (lat, lon) of data nodes.


range_driver.plotting.heatmaps.plot_feature_heatmap(feature_df, method='pearson')[source]

Plots and displays a heat-map showing the correlation between features of interest.

  • feature_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Dataframe where each column is a feature being compared.

  • method (str {'pearson', 'kendall', 'spearman'} or callable, optional) – Method of correlation. As described in detail here. Defaults to ‘pearson’. This method will be applied to each pair of features (columns) in feature_df.


None. Displays the heatmap.

Other Plots

range_driver.plotting.plot_group_dr(gn, tgroup, mdb, with_details=True, figsize=(15, 1))[source]

Displays a line graph showing detection rates for a particular receiver/transmitter pair over time. Also shows the metadata associated with the receiver/transmitter pair.

range_driver.plotting.plot_per_detection_density(tdfok, params, column_name, ax=None)[source]
range_driver.plotting.plot_per_detection_rate(bins_df, params, column_name, ax=None)[source]

Create a scatter plot showing the chosen column_name on the X-axis (e.g. water velocity) and detection rate on the Y-axis.

range_driver.plotting.plot_stack_with_dr(tdfok, params, column_name, mainax=None)[source]

Plot detection_rate and water_velocity in two vertically stacked plots. These plots show how water velocity * detection rate vary according to time.

range_driver.plotting.plot_tidal_phase(tdfok, ax)[source]

Adds interval lengths to the plot showing how detection density, water_velocity, and interval lengths all vary with tidal phase (t2).

range_driver.plotting.plot_with_detection_count(tdfcount, tdfmean, params, column_name, ax)[source]

Adds detection count & water velocity to the plot showing how detection density, water_velocity, and interval lengths all vary with tidal phase (t2).

range_driver.plotting.plot_with_detection_interval(tdfok, params, column_name, ax=None)[source]
range_driver.plotting.plot_with_detection_interval_and_rate(tdfok, params, column_name, ax=None)[source]
range_driver.plotting.plot_with_dr(tdfok, params, column_name, rt_name=None)[source]

Display a plot that shows how detection rate and column_name (a specified column) change over time.