Welcome to Range Driver’s documentation!¶
This is the documentation for the Range Driver Python package. This Python package provides tools for analyzing underwater acoustic range test data to determine what factors have the largest impact on detection range. This toolkit provides functionality for integrating environmental data (wave height, wind speed, salinity, etc) from public data sources (using kadlu) and private datasets a user may have on hand. Once these datasets have been integrated, our toolkit’s plotting submodule can be used to visually examine the relationships between environmental variables and the detection performance of the acoustic arrays.
We are preparing to release Range Driver under the GNU GPLv3 license. This means it (and its code) will be freely available for anyone to use or modify for their own purposes. Currently, Range Driver is available for download from its public GitHub repository. In the future, it will also be available on PyPI, Python’s package index.
Range Driver is being developed by the MERIDIAN team at Simon Fraser University’s Big Data Initiative in collaboration with the the MERIDIAN Data Analytics Team at the Institute for Big Data Analytics at Dalhousie University and Jon Pye from Ocean Tracking Network.